Start Selling Today with Linkey’s Free Micro Plan

Start Selling Today with Linkey’s Free Micro Plan

Ready to turn your passion into profit? With Linkey's free Micro plan, selling your digital creations online has never been easier. Whether you're an artist, musician, writer, or entrepreneur, Linkey empowers you to share your work with the world and get paid for it – all without any upfront costs or hidden fees.

Here's what you get with the Micro plan:

  • Zero Fees, Zero Hassle: Keep 100% of your sales revenue. You focus on creating amazing content, we'll handle the selling part.
  • Simple and Quick Setup: No coding or complex integrations required. You can be up and running in minutes.
  • Sell a Variety of Digital Products: Ebooks, music, videos, templates, meeting links – the possibilities are endless!
  • Start Building Your Audience: Share your Linkey link with your network and watch your sales grow.
  • Perfect for Beginners: The Micro plan is a fantastic way to test the waters of digital sales and build your confidence.

Getting Started with the Micro Plan:

  1. Create Your Free Linkey Account: Sign up for a free Linkey account in minutes.
  2. Add Your Digital Product: Upload your ebook, music file, video, or any other digital creation (max file size 100MB).
  3. Generate Your Linkey Link: Linkey creates a unique, shareable link for your product.
  4. Start Sharing and Selling! Spread the word about your Linkey link on social media, your website, or directly to your audience.

The Micro plan has a sales limit of $100 per month. This is a great way to get started and validate your product idea. Once you reach your sales limit, you'll have the option to upgrade to the Turbo plan for unlimited sales and even more features.

But wait, there's more! The sales limit doesn't apply if you're giving away your digital product for free. This makes the Micro plan perfect for collecting email addresses from potential customers or offering free samples of your work.

Don't wait any longer! Sign up for your free Linkey Micro plan today and start selling your digital creations with ease. With Linkey, you have everything you need to turn your passion into a thriving business.

Ready to take the next step? Click here to create your free Linkey account and start selling today!